Chapter 1: Introduction level.

Introduction of Procurement and Learn How to Source's way of learning. Provide a good understanding of the key buyer roles and the responsibility of a procurement department

  • Free

    Introducing LHTS

    We want to provide you the best source of accessible procurement knowledge. What is Learn how to source (LHTS) and want can you expect from us - find it all in this free course.
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  • Free

    Continuously develop your procurement skills

    Build your learning program and learn together with others. Or even integrate learning into your professional role. This course tell you how.
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  • Free

    RLB podcast - about integrating learning in your day to day activities.

    In this podcast Dave Barr interview LHTS's very own Fredrik Axelsson about integrating learning in the everyday life of a procurement department.
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  • €29,00

    Operative Procurement Processes

    The course introduce how Arjan van Weele define operative and tactical procurement, what a buyer buy and 8 important processes which manage day to day work for the operative buyer.
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  • €29,00

    Introduction Tactical Procurement

    The course will provide you with an understanding of the tactical processes in a procurement department. Introducing processes like; Market analyses, Sourcing process, Supplier Development, Know your supplier and more.
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  • €26,00

    Introduction to Procurement Management

    This course will provide you with an understanding in managing a Procurement department and what should be on the agenda for a CPO (Chief Procurement Officer).
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From Introduction to Expert level

The courses at Learn How to Source are organized in 4 experience levels; Introduction, Basic, Advanced and Expert. And the procurement knowledge is organized in three roles; Operative buyer, Tactical buyer and Procurement Management

  • Operative Buyer

    Operative Buyer is responsible for the day to day activities. The most important document for the operative buyer is the Purchase Order (PO).

  • Tactical Buyer

    The Tactical buyer role manage supplier relationships from a commercial perspective and use processes like Sourcing, Know your supplier and Supplier Development.

  • Procurement Management

    Procurement management include Category Management, PM&T (Process, Methods and Tools) and Organizations/Roles/Resources.

Basic level certificates - all roles

If you want to take on all basic level courses and certify your knowledge.

  • €4.355,00

    LHTS 10 week Basic Procurement training - individual

    Learn the procurement basics with Learn How to Source. Earn a Procurement Certificate by completing all online courses and written + verbal exams. Find more information under Certifications (top menu).
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Chapter 2: Operative buyer - Basic level

As an operative buyer you manage the day to day activities in the procurement function.

  • Free

    Supply Chain Management introduction

    Get a solid foundation in supply chain management. Understand the flow of materials, money, and information to enhance your decision-making as a buyer.
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  • Free

    Inventory Management

    Inventory management is the backbone of every successful business, ensuring that the right products are available at the right time and place while keeping costs under control. Whether you're managing a warehouse, overseeing procurement, or simply looking to understand how businesses balance stock levels and cash flow, this course will give you the essential knowledge you need.
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  • €29,00

    The Purchasing Role by EFFSO

    The course will introduce you to the Purchasing business function and the changes within purchasing the recent years.
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  • €29,00

    The Purchase Order

    The most basic knowledge for a buyer is to know the content of a Purchase Order (PO). The course will give you an introduction the content and purpose of a PO.
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  • €29,00

    Operative Procurement Processes

    The course introduce how Arjan van Weele define operative and tactical procurement, what a buyer buy and 8 important processes which manage day to day work for the operative buyer.
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  • €29,00

    Operative Procurement Processes 2

    The course introduce how what is ordered influence the operative buyer's way of working. The applicability of the operative processes introduced vary depending on the characteristics of the products/ services.
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  • €29,00

    Operative Procurement Processes 3

    In order to place a PO you need input from the tactical procurement role. But what kind of information do the operative buyer need? This course provide you with insights in the matter.
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  • €29,00

    General Terms and Conditions

    Both the tactical and the operative buyer need to understand, and preferable be able to write, your organizations General Terms and Conditions in order manage the commercial risk. Let us study some real examples.
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  • €29,00

    How to measure delivery performance

    Measuring the KPI Delivery performance help the parties (buyer and supplier) to track and improve performance. Poor delivery performance is a joint problem in between the buying and selling party and, if not handled correctly, can end a relationship.
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  • €29,00

    Digitization EDI for buyers

    The course contain an introduction to EDI, what the benefits are and what to consider when taking onboard a EDI Service Provider.
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Chapter 3: Tactical buyer role - Basic Level

Sourcing and knowing your market and the suppliers available

  • €29,00

    Introduction Tactical Procurement

    This course will provide you with an understanding of the tactical processes in a procurement department. Introducing processes like; Market analyses, Sourcing process, Supplier Development, Know your supplier and more.
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  • Free

    Mastering Total Cost of Ownership

    This course is designed to provide professional buyers with a comprehensive understanding of TCO and its application in the procurement process, enabling more cost-effective and sustainable decisions.
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  • €29,00

    Conducting RFQ by EFFSO

    EFFSO give you an introduction to RFI, RFP and RFQ and explaining how to conduct a RFQ.
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  • €29,00

    Sourcing Process 1

    Introduction of the basic steps in and concepts of a standardized sourcing process.
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  • €29,00

    Sourcing Process 2a - preparation.

    How to prepare input data to a RFQ.
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  • €29,00

    Sourcing Process 2b - Sending RFQ.

    The required steps when preparing a RFQ, contract a supplier and implement a new supply chain.
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  • €29,00

    RFQ template (Request for Quotation)

    Introducing the content of a RFQ. What should be included in a successful request to the market? The course describe the required information in order to collect correct and strong offers.
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  • €29,00

    Simplified sourcing process

    The online course address the challenge in low value stakeholder demand while assuring competitive bidding. By simplification and standardization the sourcing process is scaled down.
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  • €56,00

    Payment terms

    Knowing the importance of payment terms (PT), the value that can be created and implications on the cash flow are important. Learn how to calculate the cost of capital, benefits that can be created and supplier cost for financing the PT. The concept Supply Chain Finance is integrated in the course.
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  • €26,00

    Get to know Kraljic and his matrix.

    After completing the course you will have an understanding of who Peter Kraljic is, the history of his Matrix, how to use Kraljic’s Matrix and in which procurement processes you apply Kraljic’s Matrix.
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  • €56,00

    Kraljic and Portfolio analyses by Paul Rogers

    Kraljic Portfolio management connect the four quadrants (Leverage, Non critical, Strategic and Bottleneck) in Kraljic´s matrix to 8 relevant sourcing strategies.
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  • €26,00

    Market analysis

    What is a market analyses? Why do a market analyses and when should a buyer do a market analyses? These are questions answered in the content of the course as well as how a market analyses executed.
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Chapter 4: Tactical buyer role - Basic Level

From Audit to Global sourcing

  • €26,00

    Know your suppliers

    This Basic course will provide you with an understanding of the process related to collecting information about your supply base and by that assuring the possibility to mitigate the risks occurring in the supply base.
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  • €26,00

    Supplier Audits by Hans Nilsson

    In this course you will learn what Supplier Audit is, when and why it is recommended to run a Supplier Audit and also how a Supplier Audit is executed (on a structural level).
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  • €26,00

    Product (process) qualification

    This Basic course will provide you with an understanding of what a qualification process is, when and if to apply this process and a general introduction to some examples of standard qualification processes.
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  • €56,00

    Product legislation for buyers by Hans Nilsson

    In this course you will learn types of legislation you may be involved in as a Buyer, general requirements in legislation and what to consider as a Buyer linked to relevant legislation.
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  • €56,00

    What a buyer need to know about REACH by Hans Nilsson

    This course will provide buyers with a basic understanding of REACH, the roles defined in REACH and what to consider as a buyer in order to comply with REACH.
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  • €26,00

    Conflict Minerals for procurement

    As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the need for sustainable and ethical sourcing practices has never been greater. One critical aspect of ethical sourcing is the management of conflict materials.
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  • €26,00

    Supplier Management

    This Basic course will support you differentiate the approach to your suppliers and help define the most suitable relationship. By optimizing supplier management you also optimize supplier contribution.
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  • €26,00

    Supplier Development by EFFSO

    The course will give you an introduction to the concept of supplier development and how to build a supplier development program.
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  • €26,00

    Spend Analysis by EFFSO

    In this course we define Spend Analysis, explain the role of Spend Analysis in Category Management and describe the Spend Analysis Process.
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  • €26,00

    Global Sourcing by EFFSO

    Today we live in a globalized world and technology have made communication very fast. It requires Purchasing function to have the capability to source globally. The course addresses global sourcing and best cost countries (BCC).
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Tactical buyer - advanced level Certificate

If you want to get certified as an advanced Tactical buyer

  • €4.100,00

    Tactical Buyer role - Advanced level Certificate

    Sourcing, Supplier development, Sustainability, Contract law, Negotiation (including e-Auction), among others, are required skills for the tactical buyer role. More information under Certificates in top menu.
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Chapter 5: Tactical buyer role - Advanced Level

Contract law

  • €95,00

    International Sales Law - by Jon Kihlman

    The role of law in business transactions, choice of law, procedural matters and contractual frequency. What good does law do? The choice of law sets the stage for the whole transaction. The importance of early attention to procedural matters. The difference between long-term contracts and single purchases.
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  • €95,00

    CISG and the Unidroit principles- by Jon Kihlman

    Introducing the International Sales Law (the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)) and the Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts. International legal instruments vs. national legislation. The benefits of a common structure and a common terminology.
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  • €95,00

    The object of the contract - by Jon Kihlman

    Introducing the object of the contract, why there is a need for breach, passing of risk, and the function of guarantees, warranties and limitation periods. The object – the most important part of any contract. The binding force of contracts and the need for breaches of contracts. The passing of risk – a fundamental part of contracts to provide results. Guarantees and warranties – creators of obligations, importance for the burden of proof and for limitation periods.
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  • €95,00

    International Sales Law: Logistics and related matters - by Jon Kihlman

    Introducing delivery and passing of risk, insurance, Incoterms 2020, examination after delivery and notification of non-conformity. Delivery and the passing of risk – the core of sales law. Insurance – a function of the division of risk. Incoterms 2020 – eleven standard choices for logistic matters in sales law. The buyer’s obligation to examine goods after delivery and to give notice of non-conformities.
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  • €95,00

    International Sales Law: Payment terms and insolvency matters - introduction by Jon Kihlman

    Introducing to principles related to payment terms and how to manage insolvency matters. When is payment due? Payment instruments and insolvency matters.
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  • €95,00

    International Sales Law: Remedies for breaches of contract - by Jon Kihlman

    Introducing the buying party's possibilities when supplying part breaches contract. Definition of damage according to CISG and Unidroit principles are presented as well as alternative remedies and limitation of liability. Remedies relating to the object of the contract. i. Performance, repair and re-delivery. ii. Price reduction. iii. Avoidance (termination) of the contract.
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Chapter 6: Tactical buyer role - Advanced Level

Creating a sustainable supply chain

  • Free

    RLB podcast. Sustainability & Fairtrade in Procurement

    Podcast - How Sustainability & Fairtrade in Procurement can make a positive impact for business and our world with Dr Aurora Dawn Benton.
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  • €95,00

    Part 1 - Sustainable Procurement: Sustainable Procurement Foundations

    In this course, we establish the basic concepts of sustainability and how it applies to supply chains. There are many supply chains so to make the course relevant to a broader audience we set up the context of the course as a hotel case study.
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  • €95,00

    Part 2 - Sustainability Procurement: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

    As Part 1 gave a baseline of information on sustainability in supply chains, we now explore specific environmental elements a bit closer. In these four lessons, we look at some of the more problematic issues such as plastic & greenhouse gas emission.
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  • €95,00

    Part 3 - Sustainability Procurement: Social Impact of Supply Chains

    In this part of the course pack, we introduce you to the myriad social issues trending in sustainable procurement. Beginning with a look at the effects of chemicals and wrapping up with an emphasis on supporting local communities.
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  • €95,00

    Part 4 - Sustainable Procurement: Audit and Management

    Now we begin to put the knowledge into action. You have learned about some of the many environmental and social issues in supply chains so it’s time to start driving change by discovering the opportunities within your key purchases.
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Chapter 7: Tactical buyer role - Advanced Level

Change management and ability to negotiate.

  • €56,00

    Delivering Consistent Supplier Quality

    During the course you will learn the necessary preparation needed before communicating, the benefits of structured, methodical and consistent high value information and how to help suppliers investigate and resolve problems quickly and effectively.
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  • €56,00

    Ensuring Effective Supplier Meetings

    Planning a supplier visit? Understand the necessary homework you should undertake prior to leaving the office. Learn the benefits of a structured and repeatable process when visiting suppliers.
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  • €56,00

    Managing Engineering change by Dave Barr

    There are multiple factors that may need to be considered when implementing an engineering change. Having someone who has managed such changes in front of you will help you to validate your thoughts and open your mind to potential risks.
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  • Free

    Negotiation - Getting to Yes

    Course include links to recommended reading and material outside LHTS. No Certificate is issued.
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  • €26,00

    Real Life Buyer Negotiation tips

    Dave Barr, the Real Life Buyer, provides negotiation tips collected in his career within procurement and as an international businessman.
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  • €26,00

    Real Life Buyer Negotiation tips part 2

    ALL income from this course will be donated to UNHCR Ukraine
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Chapter 8: Tactical buyer role - Advanced Level

Category specifics

  • €56,00

    Sourcing & Appointing Contractors by Dave Barr

    Dave Barr, the Real Life Buyer provide insights in the category Contractors. From locating potential candidates to post-award review.
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  • Free

    RLB podcast. Interview with IT professional Phil Hill

    Podcast - Tips and recommendations when sourcing IT Hardware from Dave Barr and his guest Phil Hill, Category Manager IT-HW.
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Chapter 9: Tactical buyer role - Advanced Level

From Procurement e-Auction to Carve-Back

  • €56,00

    Introduction to Procurement E-Auctions (Course 1 of 4 )

    The course explains what a Procurement e-auction is, the most common auction methods and how/when e-auction should be applied.
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  • €56,00

    Setting Up a Procurement E-Auction (Course 2 of 4 )

    Preparing for a procurement e-auction by determining the scope, inviting suppliers to bid and setting up the procurement e-auction platform.
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  • €56,00

    Managing a Procurement E-Auction (Course 3 of 4 )

    In this course we learn about running the procurement e-auction, monitoring the bidding process, evaluating bids and selecting the winning supplier.
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  • €56,00

    Perspectives on Procurement E-Auctions (Course 4 of 4 )

    In crafting our comprehensive courses on Procurement E-Auctions, we've harnessed the collective wisdom of the procurement community, incorporating their firsthand experiences and valuable insights.
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  • Free

    Mastering Market Dojo: Practical Skills for e-Sourcing and e-Auctions

    The ability to leverage powerful tools like Market Dojo can set you apart as a sourcing professional. Whether you're a beginner or experienced in procurement, this course is designed to equip you with the practical, hands-on skills necessary to set up e-sourcing events and e-auctions effectively.
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  • Free

    Should cost analysis by Prognos

    If you’re ready to step into your next negotiation with the confidence, knowledge, and tools to succeed, this course is for you. Let’s transform the way you approach procurement—starting today.
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  • €95,00

    Take Back Inflated Prices with Carve-Back Negotiation

    Expert course - Transform your negotiation skills with practical techniques in carve-back negotiation. Gain confidence and achieve optimal outcomes in every business deal!
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Chapter 10: Procurement Management - Basic Level

On the agenda for a CPO (Chief Procurement Officer)

  • €26,00

    Introduction to Procurement Management

    This course will provide you with an understanding in managing a Procurement department and what should be on the agenda for a CPO (Chief Procurement Officer).
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  • Free

    Operation Strategy Matrix

    This course will provide you with an understanding of Professor Nigel Slack's Operation Strategy Matrix. The Strategy Matrix is an excellent tool for Procurement Management when converting the Company strategy to Procurement strategy.
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  • €26,00

    Procurement Organization

    This Basic level course will provide you with an understanding of how a Procurement function can be organized and the standard sub-functions with its responsibilities.
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  • €26,00

    Category Management by EFFSO

    EFFSO will give you an introduction to the concept of category management and how to build a category management program.
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  • €56,00

    Category Management - how to get started

    This advanced course will help you with the first steps when implementing Category Management. The course include a broader explanation of Category management, the content of a first version of a Category strategy and key finding (checklists).
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  • €26,00

    Competence Management

    Competence management is one of the key strategic areas within a Procurement function while assuring access to relevant competencies and, when properly performed, increase attractiveness as an Employer.
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  • €26,00

    Sourcing KPI by EFFSO

    EFFSO will give you an introduction to Sourcing Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Also how to follow up KPIs.
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  • €26,00

    Value Management by EFFSO

    EFFSOwill give you an introduction to purpose and process of Value Management and various approaches and tools used
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  • €26,00

    CSR and Procurement

    In this course you will learn the definition of CSR, why is CSR important for the Procurement community and the first steps to create a sustainable supply chain (Not revelvant if you have taken Dr Aurora Dawn Benton's courses).
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  • €26,00

    Digitization of Procurement

    Introducing Digitization of Procurement and examples how procurement processes can be digitalized.
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  • €26,00

    Supplier Code Of Conduct

    Procurement departments are responsible for sourcing goods and services from suppliers that meet the organization's requirements for quality, cost, and delivery. However, in addition to these basic requirements, procurement professionals must also consider the ethical and social implications of their purchasing decisions. This is where a supplier code of conduct comes in.
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Chapter 11: Procurement Management - Basic Level

Specialist roles

  • €26,00

    Project Buyer role

    The Project Buyer role is more advanced than one might think. It take skills as manager, tactical buyer and operative buyer to complete the daily tasks. And a strong project management understanding. Learn more in our online course.
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  • €26,00

    Procurement analyst role

    A Procurement analyst support the tactical and manager roles with price-, demand-, cost- and market data. Modern procurement departments have a fact based approach and objective data play an important part.
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Chapter 12: Procurement Management - Advanced Level

Process, Methods and Tools (PMT)

  • €56,00

    Digitization of Supplier onboarding process

    The course contain a introduction to digitized supplier onboarding, benefits / risks avoided and best practices.
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Like chapters in a book

and the authors are procurement experts.

One can see Learn How to Source as a text book where procurement professionals have converted their area of expertise to Chapters. But instead of written Chapters, like in a book, each Chapter consists of online courses. After each online course there is a "Next step". The courses are in bite-size chunks of new knowledge and help you learn more about procurement one step at the time. Courses are supported by blogposts that explain related subject matters and provide examples and cases. Start from the very beginning or pick your chapter based on your interest. Maybe you want to contribute with your chapter to the book?
Fredrik Axelsson, founder of Learn How to Source.

The Ever-Evolving Book of Procurement Wisdom

A Story of Continuous Learning and Growth

The Infinite Book

Imagine a book, not just any book, but an infinite one. A book that grows, evolves, and adapts – just like the ever-changing field of procurement. This is the heart of Learn How to Source, an online platform where learning is as dynamic as the procurement world itself.

Chapters That Never End

Each course offered by Learn How to Source is a chapter in this infinite book. Carefully organized to guide you through the procurement journey, these chapters are meticulously crafted by experts who are not just teachers but active players in the procurement field. From foundational concepts to advanced strategies, each chapter builds upon the last, creating a comprehensive learning experience.

A Living Library of Knowledge

What sets this book apart is its living nature. Unlike traditional textbooks, bound by the limitations of print, this digital book is in a state of constant evolution. New chapters – in the form of course upgrades, case studies, and insightful blog posts – are added regularly. These updates are not just additions; they are responses to the real-world changes happening in procurement.

Accessible Wisdom, Anytime, Anywhere

In the world of Learn How to Source, knowledge knows no bounds. Whether you're at the office, at home, or on the move, this infinite book is always within your reach. With accessibility at its core, the platform ensures that the latest procurement knowledge is just a click away, anytime and anywhere.

The Authors: Pioneers of Procurement

The authors of these chapters are not distant academics but hands-on experts, active in the trenches of procurement. They bring real-time insights, practical experiences, and forward-thinking perspectives. Each lesson, each case study, is infused with knowledge that only those who live and breathe procurement can offer.

A Community of Learners

But this book is more than just a collection of chapters; it's a community. As you navigate through the courses, you're not alone. You're part of a global network of procurement professionals, each contributing to the book with their experiences, questions, and insights. It's a place where knowledge is shared, challenges are discussed, and successes are celebrated.

The Promise of Continuous Growth

In this ever-evolving book of procurement, the promise is not just knowledge, but growth – personal, professional, and collective. As the field of procurement advances, so do you, equipped with the latest tools, strategies, and insights.

Your Invitation to Join

Now, it's your turn. Step into this world of endless learning and growth. Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the field, there's always a chapter waiting for you in the infinite book of procurement wisdom at Learn How to Source. Or why not add your Chapter?

Join us, and together, let's write the future of procurement.

About Learn How to Source

Learn How to Source is an online platform based in Sweden, offering a range of procurement courses accessible globally. It serves as a community where procurement experts share their knowledge through online courses, designed for various experience levels from introductory to expert. Courses are concise, about 30 minutes each, and cover different aspects of procurement, tailored for different buyer roles. The courses focus on practical knowledge, presented by seasoned professionals, and include quizzes and certificates. They can be accessed from any device, emphasizing microlearning for flexibility and efficiency.