Learning content

In this course, we establish the basic concepts of sustainability and how it applies to supply chains. There are many supply chains so to make the course relevant to a broader audience we set up the context of the course as a hotel case study. Nonetheless, the frameworks and methodology apply to any industry! You learn about basic social and environmental issues in supply chains and the challenge of trade-offs in pursuing sustainability in procurement. 

We also lay the foundation for driving change in an organization by covering stakeholder engagement. This principle applies not just to procurement and not just to sustainability; it is a building block for building trust and gaining insight necessary for successful change. 

•    Lesson 1: Course overview 

•    Lesson 2: Procurement Context

•    Lesson 3: Triple Bottom Line of Procurement

•    Lesson 4: Environmental and Social Issues in Procurement 

•    Lesson 5: Sustainability Reality and Trade-offs

•    Lesson 6: The Stakeholder Imperative 


    1. Lesson 2 Outcome and Description

    2. Lesson 2 Checklist

    3. Lesson 2 Video: Procurement Context

    4. Lesson 2 Discussion: Share your Context

    5. Lesson 2 Exercise: Where's the beef?

    6. Lesson 2 Summary and Handout

    1. Lesson 3 Outcome and Description

    2. Lesson 3 Checklist

    3. Lesson 3 Video: The Triple Bottom Line of Procurement

    4. Lesson 3 Discussion: Synergy

    5. Lesson 3 Exercise: Prepare to Scale Contract Mountain

    6. Lesson 3 Summary and Handout

    1. Lesson 4 Outcome and Description

    2. Lesson 4 Checklist

    3. Lesson 4 Video: Environmental and Social Implications of Procurement

    4. Lesson 4 Discussion: The Start of your Journey

    5. Lesson 4 Exercise: Read Between the Lines

    6. Lesson 4 Summary and Handout

    1. Lesson 5 Outcome and Description

    2. Lesson 5 Checklist

    3. Lesson 5 Video: Sustainability Reality and Trade-offs

    4. Lesson 5 Discussion: The Reality of Trade-offs

    5. Lesson 5 Summary and Handout

    1. Lesson 6 Outcome and Description

    2. Lesson 6 Checklist

    3. Lesson 6 Video: The Stakeholder Imperative

    4. Lesson 6 Discussion: Who is in your circle?

    5. Lesson 6 Exercise: Stakeholder Inventory Worksheet

    6. Lesson 6 Summary and Handout

About this course

  • €95,00
  • 38 lessons
  • Advanced level - Tactical role
  • 45 min
  • Quiz and Certificate


Instructor Aurora Dawn Benton

Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton is Founder and Chief Change Agent of Astrapto LLC, which exists to advance positive impact in the workplace. Her passion is to make sustainability practical and approachable for people whose main job is not sustainability, but who have a passion or mandate to improve social and environmental performance in their operations and supply chains. Aurora loves helping people realize their potential while discovering a greater purpose for good in business. She has helped over 120 young professionals launch green teams and perform sustainable procurement audits. She has coached numerous professionals on how to research and improve sustainability in their corporate purchasing. Her clients include World Wildlife Fund (Hotel-Kitchen), Sodexo Live (Centerplate), Baltimore Convention Center, Green Seal (hotel eco-certification), the Events Industry Council, and various hotels and restaurant groups. She has been a thought leader and volunteer in hospitality industry organizations, including a task force for Sustainable Events Standards and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. Aurora has a Doctorate in Business Administration in Social Impact Management.

Part 2 - Sustainability Procurement: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Next recommended course

As Part 1 gave a baseline of information on sustainability in supply chains, we now explore specific environmental elements a bit closer. In these four lessons, we look at some of the more problematic issues such as plastic & greenhouse gas emission.

Course is included in following bundle.

  • €295,00

    Sustainable Procurement Course by Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton

    This bundle is perfect for any one in any type or size of organization who wants to learn more about how to improve environmental and social performance in daily operations. No expertise or experience in sustainability is required. It is ideal for general managers, small business owners, corporate procurement staff, sales teams, and anyone who wants better understand sustainability and take practical steps in the right direction.
    Buy Now

About Learn How to Source

Learn How to Source is an online platform based in Sweden, offering a range of procurement courses accessible globally. It serves as a community where procurement experts share their knowledge through online courses, designed for various experience levels from introductory to expert. Courses are concise, about 30 minutes each, and cover different aspects of procurement, tailored for different buyer roles. The courses focus on practical knowledge, presented by seasoned professionals, and include quizzes and certificates. They can be accessed from any device, emphasizing microlearning for flexibility and efficiency.