Course presentation

Course Level: 

Basic level course.  Approx: 15 minutes.

Course Description:

This course is a deep dive into understanding what a Supplier Audit is, determining the optimal time to conduct one, and grasping the reasons behind its necessity. Additionally, you'll gain insights into the structural execution of a Supplier Audit.

Learning Objectives:

  • Delve into what a Supplier Audit entails and its critical role in procurement.

    Learn when and why it's recommended to conduct a Supplier Audit.

    Discover the structural approach to executing a Supplier Audit, ensuring thoroughness and effectiveness.

Who Should Enroll:

  • This course is ideal for procurement professionals (tactical buyer role), supply chain managers, and anyone involved in supplier management and evaluation.

Why This Course:

Understanding the nuances of Supplier Audits is vital for effective procurement management. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand concept and role of supplier audits.


    1. Learning objectives

    2. Repetition

    1. Download the Slides shown in the course

    2. What is Supplier Audit.

    1. When and why it is recommended to run a Supplier Audit.

    1. How a Supplier Audit is executed (on a structural level).

    1. Course Quiz

    1. Summery of the course

    2. Reflection after the course

    3. Recommended reading

About this course

  • €20,00
  • 10 lessons
  • Basic level - Tactical buyer role
  • 15 min
  • Quiz and Certificate

Instructor is Hans Nilsson

Instructor Hans Nilsson

Let me introduce you to Hans, a highly skilled professional with a master's degree in mechanical engineering. Hans' career is a tapestry of diverse roles, showcasing his versatility and expertise in various fields. He has served as a Quality/Environmental Manager, Production Manager, and CEO, demonstrating his adaptability and leadership skills in both large global corporations and smaller companies. Hans' experience extends to conducting ISO audits for various certification bodies, underlining his thorough understanding of quality and environmental standards. His journey also includes impactful roles as a quality/environmental manager and a production manager, contributing significantly to the businesses he was a part of. Currently, Hans is a driving force at DQS Sweden, a certification company he runs with a colleague. DQS is recognized as one of the largest certification bodies globally, and Hans' involvement speaks volumes about his proficiency and commitment to excellence. Throughout his career, Hans has consistently focused on improvement work. This has ranged from spearheading company-wide profitability enhancements to leading technologically advanced production projects. His career is a testament to his dedication to continuous improvement and innovation in the engineering field.

Why supplier audits?

by Hans Nilsson

As a procurement professional with extensive experience in conducting supplier audits, I've come to understand the multifaceted value these audits hold. Supplier audits are not just routine checks; they are strategic tools that serve several critical purposes in the procurement process.

Risk Mitigation

One of the primary reasons for conducting supplier audits is risk mitigation. In today's globalized market, supply chains are intricate and often span multiple countries and legal jurisdictions. Audits help in identifying potential risks related to quality, compliance, or supply chain disruption. By proactively addressing these risks, organizations can avoid costly setbacks and maintain a steady flow of operations.

Quality Assurance

Quality is non-negotiable in procurement. Supplier audits allow buyers to verify if suppliers adhere to agreed-upon quality standards and specifications. This is particularly crucial in industries where product quality directly impacts safety and compliance, such as in pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and manufacturing.

Compliance and Ethical Sourcing

Compliance with legal and ethical standards is increasingly important. Supplier audits are instrumental in ensuring that suppliers adhere to relevant laws and regulations, including labor laws, environmental regulations, and international trade practices. Ethical sourcing, which includes avoiding conflict materials and ensuring fair labor practices, is also scrutinized during these audits.

Building Stronger Relationships

Conducting audits should not be viewed merely as a policing activity. Instead, they can be a platform for building stronger, more collaborative relationships with suppliers. Audits offer an opportunity for open communication, feedback, and mutual learning, paving the way for continuous improvement and innovation.

Performance Improvement

Regular supplier audits can lead to performance improvement. They provide a structured framework to evaluate and benchmark supplier performance over time, identifying areas of improvement and recognizing achievements. This, in turn, can lead to enhanced efficiency, better product quality, and more competitive pricing.

Customization and Alignment with Business Goals

Each supplier audit can be tailored to align with specific business goals and strategies. For instance, if a company is focusing on sustainability, the audit can be geared towards assessing the supplier's environmental impact and sustainable practices.

Reflective Learning

Finally, supplier audits offer a unique learning experience for both the buyer and the supplier. They highlight areas where both parties can improve, adapt, and innovate. This continuous learning approach is crucial for staying competitive and responsive in a rapidly changing business environment.

In conclusion, supplier audits are a critical component of effective procurement management. They go beyond mere compliance, contributing to risk management, quality improvement, ethical sourcing, relationship building, performance enhancement, and continuous learning. As procurement professionals, we must approach these audits not just as evaluative tools, but as opportunities for growth, collaboration, and strategic alignment.

Enjoy the course /// Hans Nilsson

Product (process) qualification

Next recommended step.

This Basic course will provide you with an understanding of what a qualification process is, when and if to apply this process and a general introduction to some examples of standard qualification processes.

About Learn How to Source

Learn How to Source is an online platform based in Sweden, offering a range of procurement courses accessible globally. It serves as a community where procurement experts share their knowledge through online courses, designed for various experience levels from introductory to expert. Courses are concise, about 30 minutes each, and cover different aspects of procurement, tailored for different buyer roles. The courses focus on practical knowledge, presented by seasoned professionals, and include quizzes and certificates. They can be accessed from any device, emphasizing microlearning for flexibility and efficiency.